Wow, we were wearing shorts on Thanksgiving and two weeks later we have near record lows (21F Tuesday night, the record was 20) and more to come – and it's not even officially winter yet!
South Georgia is known for hot, humid summers and I try very hard not to complain about the heat, because I know I will complain about the cold. When you live in a 100-year-old house without central heat or air, you have a much closer relationship with the weather than if you can close up in a climate-controlled house.
Some things I've learned living in a series of old houses.
1. They are designed wonderfully to handle the heat.
2. It's pretty easy to cool a room or two to comfortable levels with a window a/c. It's much more difficult to warm a room, even with decent heaters, the cold just creeps back in.
3. Our predecessors were much tougher than I am, having lived in this house with only small fireplaces for heat.
4. Wood stoves, electric blankets and flannel sheets are wonderful!
Okay, gripe over, now back to art.

Last night I continued assembling the Shakespeare in the Park quilt and am nearly done. Around the outside it uses 6.5 inch star blocks, some light on dark and some dark on light. For my dark on light I did some with blue on cream and some with pink on cream. I'm afraid I may be a couple blocks short of blue on cream, so I may have to make a couple more to finish. With any luck I'll have the top done tonight and be able to start pinning first thing tomorrow.

Lately one of my cats, Squirrel (Phantom) has decided that the coffin-top of my Singer VS2 treadle is a great place to watch the world. I just missed catching her in profile, but thought she made a nice picture with my quilt from the Treadle On winter holiday block exchange over the chair in front of her.
More later.